Wyeth Country - Cushing Maine

I dropped off three paintings to be evaluated for an upcoming juried show in Damriscotta.  I used this opportunity to take a trip to Wyeth country - specifically Cushing and the Olsen house (closed for the season).

It was late in the afternoon, but an unseasonable warm and sunny day for mid winter.  I had no real desire to paint the Olsen house, that was one of Andrew Wyeth's realms.  I was more interested in paying my respects to the artist and its now long famous inhabitants.  We drove down the dirt road to the small cemetery perched on the oceans edge.  I was reminded of NC Wyeth's painting "Here, there be Giants." as the afternoon shadows lengthened and the brilliant orange sunset settled in.  After paying my respects, I explored before the light disappeared.

Below are quick, and small, pen and ink sketches of Andrew's view of the Olsen house and a view of the ocean at the far end of the cemetery.  (notes in the margins).


I tried to augment my notes of color with an oil pastel sketch - that did not end well.   I also executed a quick water color study - intentionally keeping this loose to try to catch the atmosphere.  The reflections and shadows on the ice were more than I felt I could capture in watercolor so I decided to use this study as the basis for an oil painting.

I plan to do both of the Pen and Ink sketches above as finished paintings once I work out the compositions more.

Below is the oil I began today - Sunset on Ice (11" x 14")

I had originally planned to do more, but I quite like the simplicity of this composition so I'm just going to let it sit for a bit before adding more or simply signing it as is.

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