Sea Glass and Sketches

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Had a wonderful time with family and friends Down East!  But those are stories for a different blog.

The sketches from left to right top are Acrylic 4" x 6", Acrylic 12" x 16", Watercolor 8" x 10" and Acrylic 4" x 6"

Bottom Left are two quick pencil composition sketches and bottom right is a partial sketch with notes and some small composition sketches which I will work up into larger compositions and paintings.

The 4" by 6" were a first time experiment for me.  The format did make me simplify very complex subjects.  The jury is still out for me regarding this small format.

The 12" by 16" inch painting is really four sketches in one.  Sky, Water, Distant shoreline and Mid ground cliffs.  I wasn't pleased with the overall composition but for study purposes it was a productive exercise.  I really want to focus more on my paint handling with Acrylics.  Need some new bushes, but more than that I just need to focus on it more.

These color sketches, the time spent observing the scenes, and notes will be combined into new subjects with some photos I took for reference.  The sea glass and pottery were all collected in Eastport in one morning.

Between Cape Cod and Eastport I have enough source material to keep me busy throughout the fall and winter.

I have a new idea for some composition sketches when I return from the trip.

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