Rocks and Wildflowers

Rocks and Wildflowers
Two lights 
Acrylic 12" x 16"

This is my latest Acrylic Painting of a composition that is a common sight in and around Two Lights.  I explained the process to this point in another post if you are interested in learning about methods for creating painting.  Below I've put the large charcoal drawing (12" x 18") side by side with the Acrylic

When I had reached a stopping point in the main painting, I decided to quickly sketch out some other ideas from my trip with leftover paint on 4" by 6" note cards.

Sketch " x 6"

I really enjoy these quick sketches.  I learn a lot from them with very little time invested.  For instance, in the painting above, the ocean seems to "run off" the picture to the left.  Through the placement of rocks or shrubs I will reverse that so that it leads the eye into the painting and not out of it.  It's a win win.  I don't waste paint and I get to explore ideas in a much looser manner.

Surf Sketch 4" x 6"

Scale of Sketches

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